
A Simple Explanation - By Varsha Saini

The p-value is a value calculated from a statistical test like a z-test or t-test which represents the area of the test statistic value like z statistics or t statistics. It is used to perform Hypothesis Testing.

if p-value < α , Reject the Null Hypothesis

where α is the level of significance. The most common values of α are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10.

  • Left-Tailed Test – The rejection region is present on the left.
    p-value < α, Reject the Null Hypothesis

  • Right-Tailed Test – The rejection region is present on the right.
    p-value < α, Reject the Null Hypothesis

  • Two-Tailed Test – The rejection Region is present on both ends.
    2*p-value < α, Reject the Null Hypothesis

To reject the null hypothesis, you need to find evidence against it. A p-value is used to help you accept or reject the null hypothesis. The p-value is the evidence against a null hypothesis. The smaller the p-value, the stronger the evidence that you should reject the null hypothesis.